Thursday, September 10, 2009

Why Life Drawing 1?

I am taking the course Life Drawing 1 this semester and I am very excited!
I started drawing people and cartoons at a very young age, which is what initially got me interested in drawing. Since then, I feel my skills have reached a plateau, and I would like to progress from drawing very flat, simplistic people to getting more rhythm, dimension and depth. I am majoring in industrial design, so by knowing more about the human body and drawing in general, I feel I will be a much stronger designer. I love drawing faces, but I always tend to stop at the neck, because it's what I feel most comfortable doing! So by taking this class, I hope to become better at drawing the human body and getting more emotion into what I draw.

I haven't been able to transfer my files to my new computer yet, so I have no images of my work to share! But if you're interested in seeing my industrial design work, you can check out my website (which is still in construction by the way) at

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